
Turkish citizens in UK to vote in referendum early April

Turks living in the U.K. will go to polling stations early April for Turkey's April 16 referendum on constitutional changes.

Turkish citizens will be able to cast their votes in London and the Scottish capital, Edinburgh, between April 6 and 9, Turkey's consul general in London said.        

10 most majestic castles in the world! (photos)

There is something about medieval castles that really intrigues many people. It could be growing up with all those Disney films of fairy tales and princesses, or the many Hollywood movies of heroic deeds by kings and knights that attract us to them. The irony is that these fairy tale castles were actually inspired by real castles.

Prince Harry voted world’s hottest male royal

Often described as ‘the world’s most eligible bachelor’, the 31-year-old prince beat his older brother William by a full eight places in the poll of global royals. The 31-year-old bachelor came top, followed by Prince Carl Philip, 37, fourth in line to the throne in Sweden and married to model Sofia Hellqvist.

Bulgaria's Plovdiv Vying for Title of European Best Destination 2016

Plovdiv is the only Bulgarian city nominated for participation in the seventh edition of the competition for the title of Best European Destination 2016.

"From Amsterdam to Zadar, we have selected for you the 20 tourist destinations which will feature most in 2016," the organizers said on the website of the event.
