
Short-story writer George Saunders makes thrilling foray into novels

Getting out of a pair of handcuffs was one of Harry Houdini's oldest tricks. In 1904, during a performance in London, the illusionist was manacled in a pair on which a blacksmith had spent five years perfecting the locking mechanism, claiming "no mortal man" could pick it. It took Houdini more an hour and 10 minutes to get out of them.

Greek PM Tsipras jogging in Washington (photos)

So far we have never seen Greek PM Alexis Tsipras doing any type of physical exercise. And even if he does, it is kept quite secretive. But during his official visit to the US he managed to take some time off from his heavy schedule and went for a jog. Mr. Tsipras put on his shorts and sports shoes and started running at the Lincoln Memorial to relax.

Court orders three years in jail for machete-wielding attacker of Gezi protesters

An Istanbul court on May 11 ordered three years in jail for a man who attacked Gezi protesters with a machete in Istanbul in 2013, Doğan News Agency has reported.

The court made its decision on four suspects including the machete-wielding attacker, Sabri Çelebi, over attacking protesters during the Gezi Park protests, stating that the man injured four people with a sharp object.   

Machete-wielding attacker of Gezi protesters arrested in Istanbul over threat to Libyan businessman

A man who first hit headlines for attacking anti-government Gezi protesters in Istanbul in 2013 with a machete has been arrested for threatening a Libyan businessman, daily Habertürk has reported.

Police also arrested two other suspects along with Sabri Çelebi on the same charges on March 3. 

Flushed with pride: Prague Toilet Museum changes seats

The Prague Museum of Historical Chamber Pots & Toilets, founded in 2003, will be relocating its rare collection of chamber pots from the outskirts of the Czech capital to Old Town by the end of the year so visitors can experience some of the world’s most unconventional and unsung historical artifacts.
