
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

"Read Thaci's words carefully, it wasn't his guns in 1999"

Thaci said earlier that he would respond to alleged threats from Serbia "with guns, just like 19 years ago."

Vucic, who was today in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina, said that it was "up to us to respond to Thaci's mention of guns calmly," and then recalled that "it was not his guns, but some foreign planes that were destroying Serbia."

Bosnian Politicians Snub Trust-Building Get-Together

The chairman of the presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dragan Covic, announced on Wednesday that a planned working lunch in the town of Mostar with presidency members and the country's political party leaders has been cancelled.

The official reason given by Covic's office was the "inability of the participants to arrive".

Bosnian Constitutional Court Decisions Open Pandora's Box

The Bosnia Constitutional Court's most recent set of decisions could lead to a new and dangerous escalation of the current political crisis, opening a "pandora's box", local and international officials told BIRN.

The court, at its latest panel session Thursday, made several decisions on key issues which will likely have a major impact on the country, sources said.
