
Eleven points

"I saw some texts that were presented in the media, which were not correct, invented by certain people. There were changes, because after the first presentation of the proposal, I visited Pristina and Belgrade. We talked and asked for comments, then we tried to incorporate them into proposal. We said very clearly that the essence of the proposal cannot be changed," Lajcak said.

Meeting Vučić, Pahor counts on political wisdom of region’s leaders

Belgrade – The impact of the war in Ukraine on the Western Balkans and the region’s European perspective topped the agenda as President Borut Pahor met his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vučić in Belgrade on Saturday. Pahor hopes the region’s leaders will muster enough political wisdom to solve all bilateral issues through dialogue.

Pahor warns Western Balkans must not fall under Russian sphere of influence

Bled – President Borut Pahor reiterated his appeal for the speedy integration of Western Balkans countries in the EU as he argued in an address to the Bled Strategic Forum that they should not be allowed to fall under Russia’s sphere of influence should new bloc divisions occur.

Kosovo’s EU, NATO aspiration in focus as president visits Slovenia (background)

Ljubljana – Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu will be in Slovenia on Monday and Tuesday, discussing her country’s expectations about joining the EU and NATO, dialogue between Belgrade and Prishtina, and the situation in the Western Balkans.

Rogaška Slatina to host world’s largest sports film event

Rogaška Slatina – Rogaška Slatina will in June host an international festival of sports film of the FICTS – Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs, recognized by the International Olympic Committee. It is the largest sports film event that attracts many global sports and film stars.

Kosovo Dedicates Independence Monument to Women’s Empowerment

Faces of women along with wings have covered the Newborn monument in Prishtina, which changes colours and theme every February 17, when the country celebrates Independence Day.

Named the "Winged Women", the monument to Kosovo's independence is dedicated this year to the theme of women, both their successes and their problems.
