

Charlie Kirk: Who’s Trump’s “purveyor” on TikTok – The hard-core far-rightist who makes a career out of conspiracy theories

Charlie Kirk poses a question to the enthusiastic, young crowd he’s addressing: “Are you ready to send Donald Trump back to the White House?”

Crime historian conducts dig for D.B. Cooper case evidence

Nearly 50 years after skyjacker D.B. Cooper vanished out the back of a Boeing 727 into freezing Northwest rain — wearing a business suit, a parachute and a pack with $200,000 in cash — a crime historian is conducting a dig on the banks of the Columbia River in Vancouver, Washington, in search of evidence.


Clinton and Trump scramble to finish

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton packed their schedules with last minute campaign events on Nov. 6, two days out from an election that has gripped the world.

Clinton is banking on star power to lock in her narrow poll lead, hosting back-to-back weekend pop concerts with Beyonce and Katy Perry and booking a date with President Barack Obama.