Srpska lista representatives meet with Chollet, Escobar and Hovenier

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Srpska lista representatives met on Wednesday with US State Department Counsellor Derek Chollet, US special Western Balkans envoy Gabriel Escobar and US Ambassador to Pristina Jeffrey Hovenier.

In a Facebook post, Strpce Mayor Dalibor Jevtic said the representatives had discussed the current political and security situation with the US delegation.

Nikolic cancels visit to Kosovo-Metohija

BELGRADE - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has cancelled a Christmas Eve visit to Strpce, Kosovo-Metohija, Tanjug has learned.

A source in Nikolic's presidential office told Tanjug Thursday a group of his aides, a so-called "advance team", had practically been ill-treated at the administrative crossing earlier in the day by unfair staff.

Strpce: Bus stoned, one woman injured

STRPCE - One woman was injured in an incident in which a bus transporting Serb passengers from Belgrade to Strpce was stoned in Banjica, southern Kosovo-Metohija, Strpce Mayor Bratislav Nikolic told Tanjug.

The incident occurred on Friday night, the investigation is underway and the identity of the individuals who stoned the bus is still not known.
