
Uttar Pradesh

Study: Air Pollution Responsible for 7% of Deaths in Major Cities in India

More than 7% of all deaths in India’s ten largest cities are linked to air pollution, according to a comprehensive study released today. Leading scientists are calling for measures to save tens of thousands of lives each year.

Smog-plagued Indian cities, including the capital New Delhi, are among the world’s most polluted.

India protests rage on as death toll rises to 20

Thousands of people joined fresh rallies against a contentious citizenship law in India on Dec. 21, with 20 killed so far in the unrest.    

The death toll jumped after demonstrations turned violent on Dec. 20 in the most populous state of Uttar Pradesh, leaving at least 11 dead including an eight-year-old boy, who was trampled.    

CNN presenter Reza Aslan sparks backlash after eating HUMAN BRAIN while filming Hindu cannibal sect (VIDEOS+PHOTOS)

CNN presenter Reza Aslan has been heavily criticized after he ate part of a human brain while filming with a Hindu cannibal sect in India.
The episode, part of a series called Believer with Reza Aslan, was shown on Sunday and provoked horror and dismay from many viewers and an angry backlash by Hindus in America.

Solar Plane Completes 2nd Leg of Round-the-Globe Trip

Solar Impulse 2, the aircraft powered only by sunlight, has landed in India on Tuesday after covering about 1,500 kilometres during a 15-hour flight from Oman.

The Swiss-built  single-seat airctaft that weighs only 2,300 kilogrammes, landed in Ahmedabad where it will make a four-day stopover before flying off to Varanasi, in northeastern India.