

Zeugma excavations to last a century

This year's archaeological excavations in the ancient city of Zeugma, which lies on the coast of the Euphrates River and is famous for the Gypsy Girl Mosaic, has unearthed bronze pieces from the clothing of legion units, silver and iron materials, rings, fibulas, ceramics, ivory and bone needles and frescoes, with experts saying excavations in the ancient site may last a century. 

Traces of Palmyra seen in ancient Zeugma

Some sculptures unearthed during archaeological excavations in the ancient city of Zeugma, which are on display at the Gaziantep Archaeology Museum, have been identified to have the same style as the ones in Syria's ancient Palmyra city, which is currently on the world's agenda after it received severe damage from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). 

'Romani Bambino' returns home to Gaziantep after 85 years

A Roman-era child statue, which was unearthed in the ancient city of Zeugma in Turkey's southeastern province of Gaziantep in 1931 but then sent to the southern province of Adana, was brought back to the city after 85 years. 
The opening of the statue called the "Romani Bambino" was held at a ceremony at the Zeugma Mosaic Museum. 
