
Tsipras, Anastasiades meet in Brussels

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras discussed the upcoming tripartite meetings with Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Israel Sunday.

The two met in Brussels, where the European Council on Brexit took place.

Greece and Cyprus will meet separately with Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Israel on December 20.

Minister says nobody knows when detained Greek soldiers will be freed

Greece's Alternate Defense Minister Fotis Kouvelis said on Thursday nobody can really say when the two Greek servicemen who have been detained in Turkey since early March will be released from prison.

"Nobody can be specific about when the two soldiers detained in the high security prison of Edirne will be released," he told lawmakers during a debate in a parliamentary committee.

Creditors call for written guarantees that no unilateral action will be adopted in future

Greece’s European creditors are requesting the country’s Finance Minister, Euclid Tsakalotos sign a written document guaranteeing his government would refrain from unilateral actions in the future similar to the recent social benefits PM Alexis Tsipras granted to pensioners.

Alt Defence Min Vitsas tells Idomeni refugees occupying railway tracks to respect Geneva conventions!

Greece’s Alternate Minister for National Defence Dimitris Vitsas admitted that the borders between Greece and its neighbouring countries in the north would not open, in an interview on Mega TV, Thursday morning.
