The Bulgarian National Radio

Greece's Relay Strike of Air Traffic Controllers Called Off

Greek air traffic controllers abandoned plans for a relay strike called off after a meeting with the country's Transport Minister, Greek daily Kathimerini reports.

Flights to or from Greece would have been halted for four days (October 9-10, 12-13) if the controllers had proceeded with their action.

Grenade Launcher Shootout Rocks Downtown Sofia

A grenade launcher has been used near the home of an ex-security agent immediately next to the central area of Bulgaria's capital Sofia, officials have confirmed.

It is unclear whether the attack was targeting Alexei Petrov himself, a former employee of national security agency DANS widely suspected of having ties to the criminal underworld.

Bulgarian Nationalist Party Leader Embroiled in Fight with Shop Owners

Nationalist ATAKA party leader Volen Siderov and MP Desislav Chukolov took part in a brawl with the owners of a tobacco and alcohol shop, media outlets report.

Police have confirmed the incident which occurred late on Friday evening in downtown Sofia's Rakovski Street, but does not confirm the names of lawmakers involved.