Esmark Europe B.V.

"Esmark will revitalize Zelezara after transaction"

"Esmark will revitalize Zelezara after transaction"

BELGRADE -- Esmark Europe B.V. has been officially notified that it was chosen as the strategic partner in the privatization of the steel mill Zelezara Smederevo.

Esmark's CEO has said that the company's team will focus on revitalziing the Serbian steel maker once the transaction is completed.

Bouchard: Esmark will revitalise Zelezara after transaction

BELGRADE - Esmark Europe B.V. has been officially notified that it was chosen as the strategic partner in the privatisation of the steel mill Zelezara Smederevo, and Esmark's CEO has said that the company's team will focus on revitalising the Serbian steel maker once the transaction is completed.