European Stability Mechanism

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Regling: Greece may return to the markets before end of bailout program

Greece’s fiscal consolidation has been positive and strong and the country could return to the markets before the end of the current bailout program next year, European Stability Mechanism head, Klaus Regling, said in a speech at the Atlantic Council “EuroGrowth Initiative” event, held in Washington DC on Thursday.

Greek banks ask for ESM's cooperation

The Hellenic Bank Association (HBA) on Tuesday presented the head of the European Stability Mechanism, Klaus Regling, with figures showing the improvement in the fundamentals of the local credit system in 2016 while informing him of the challenges it now faces, particularly as regards liquidity and the efficient management of nonperforming loans.

Regling says Greece may return to markets in summer 2018

Greece will be able to return to financial markets in the summer of 2018 and can end its bailout program, but it must implement with determination the reforms agreed with its creditors if it wants to regain the trust of private investors, the head of the eurozone bailout fund said on Thursday.

Dijsselbloem: Troika to return to Athens next week

Eurozone President Jeroen Dijsselbloem has issued a written statement following the informal mini-Eurozone meeting in Brussels, late Friday. “Today the Greek minister of Finance, the institutions (European Commission, ECB, ESM and IMF) and I had a constructive meeting on the state of play of the second review.
