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She went from 118kg to 71kg after husband cheated on her! (photos-videos)

A formerly obese mother lost a huge amount of pregnancy weight after discovering her cheating husband and his lover calling her a ‘fat f**k’.
Betsy Ayala, 35, from Houston, Texas, tipped the scales at 118kg after giving birth to her daughter, Isabella, in 2013.

Galatasaray Odeabank to play in Eurocup final

Galatasaray Odeabank Istanbul will play for its first continental trophy after surviving overtime to knock out last season's runner-up, Herbalife Gran Canaria Las Palmas, on April 6 in the Canary Islands. 

Gran Canaria won the game 94-81 but lost the series by a single point on aggregate, as Galatasaray had won 75-89 a week earlier in the series opener.