Le Soir

New Qatargate revelations: 280,000 Euros in Cash at the home of MEP’s son

The police found 280,000 euros in cash at the home of the son of MEP Maria Arena, reported the Belgian newspaper "Le Soir", quoted by BTA.

The uniformed officers searched five other locations, all of which were "directly or indirectly connected to Arena or her family," the prosecutor's office said in a statement.

Le Soir names a Belgian grocer’s son as mastermind of the Paris Attacks

Belgian media named Abdel Hamid Abaaoud, a returning Syrian jihadi, as the mastermind of the Paris attacks. Belgian newspaper, Le Soir, cited Belgian sources to outline the role of Abaaoud, a grocer’s son from the Belgian town of Molenbeek, as the radical extremist who was the brains behind the attack.

European Council President Rejects EU Military Intervention in Ukraine

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has ruled out EU military intervention to resolve the crisis in Ukraine.

Herman van Rompuy commented on the situation in Ukraine during the presentation of his latest book, "Europe in the storm-Lessons and Challenges", on Monday evening in Brussels.