
OpenCalais Metadata: Ticker


Metlen on its way to London

Metlen Energy & Metals has formally started the process for its listing on the London Stock Exchange. The group, which will also continue the trading of its stock on the Athens Stock Exchange, announced it has submitted the application required.

The disgrace in Parliament, the banks (counting backwards), the new EYP Deputy Director, Mylonas and Ethniki Insurance, and the Chinese drivers of Piraeus

– Hello there, just a few words – unfortunately necessary – about the political disgrace we are witnessing, stemming from a profoundly tragic story that made the headlines (how many others don’t…) about the police officer and his wife who were sexually abusing their children.

K.M., Antonis the Turk-eater (… art of the sieve), Ministers who butt heads (with each other), Pizantis, and the money that… disappeared, olive trees for sale

Greetings, so what Mitsotakis is doing now with Nikos Pappas is wrong because Nikos is no longer with Kasselakis, who isn’t even the leader of SYRIZA anymore (the one who appointed him as the party’s representative in Parliament). And he won’t become one again because, quite simply, today it will be decided by the Priesthood (as the lyricist says) that he can’t be a candidate.

The Paps vote Doukas, Pavlos becomes SYRIZA’s “Nestor the Wise”, the 1,000 cameras of Athens, Stournaras & the Banks, the Kalamata Airport

Greetings! So, the pollsters are showing Androulakis ahead in PASOK. We’ve discussed this before, but that doesn’t mean that Doukas has thrown in the towel—on the contrary, I’d say.

They were all there for Marianna Vardinoyannis: See photos from the emotional event one year after her passing

A musical performance of remembrance and tribute dedicated to the universal Greek figure, Marianna V. Vardinoyannis, whose life and invaluable humanitarian work touched the lives of thousands, generously offering Love, Hope, and Light, was held by the family of Vardis I. Vardinoyannis, in collaboration with the “Marianna V.

Mitsotakis at the illumination of the temple of Poseidon: Transforming the columns of the past into the foundations of tomorrow

The lighting was designed by internationally renowned Eleftheria Deko, known for her award-winning work on the Acropolis and the opening ceremony of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. The new lighting highlights the archaeological and architectural significance of the monument, giving it new dimensions.

A Journey into Light, with Eleftheria Deko & Stavros Xarchakos

Mytilineos calls on EU to secure rare earth metals access

Evangelos Mytilineos, head of metals and energy group Metlen, has asked the EU to make certain European companies get access to rare earth metals.

"China continues to restrict exports of metals and rare earths… unfortunately the EU has not specified measures" to do so, despite its legislation on critical primary materials passed in May, Mytilineos said in a LinkedIn post.

Greece’s Metlen unveils new solar park in Chile

Metlen Energy & Metals, formerly Mytilineos, has inaugurated its second solar park in Chile. 

Construction of the park in the country's Coquimbo area began in 2023 and cost €65 million. 

The 90-megawatt park has 151,920 solar panels and is able to store more than 230,000 megawatt-hours of energy, providing uninterrupted service. 
