Mytilineos Holdings

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Analysts awaiting MSCI quarterly review

MSCI will publish its quarterly review of its market indices on Wednesday and analysts said there could be some surprises regarding the composition of the MSCI Greece index.
Last year, MSCI had added Motor Oil.
Last March, investment firm VTB Capital had said MSCI could add Mytilineos Holdings, the energy and metals conglomerate, if its stock price rose by 19-22 percent.

Mytilineos to wait and see how Iran energy picture changes

Renewable energy is booming in Iran, where installed capacity is expected to grow at least sevenfold over the next five years, despite US President Donald Trump's more confrontational attitude toward Tehran.

Iran's latest deal was signed on Tuesday, when Norway's Saga Energy concluded a $2.9 billion deal to build solar power plants in the oil-producing country.