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The 15 ugliest nationalities in the world! (photos)

Bad news everyone. You know how statistics and the internet do an amazing job at capturing reality? Well, the two recently combined their powers of assessment and aimed them unforgivingly at your face. Internet dating, perhaps the highest authority on beauty, has just released an exclusive, damning report on how ugly you are.

Which companies accept bitcoin? (list)

Bitcoins are taking over the crypto-currency marketplace. They’re the largest and most well-known digital currency. Many large companies are accepting bitcoins as a legitimate source of funds. They allow their online products to be bought with bitcoins. With the extreme facilitation of transfer and earning of bitcoins, it would be a mistake not to accept these new-found online coins as cash.

Are you a sapiosexual?

Attraction is about sex, or vice versa. And lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and pansexual are just some of the terms we use to describe our sexual orientation so we can navigate relationships more readily.

But now, to add confusion to chaos, there is new nomenclature for those who find intelligence attractive: sapiosexuality.