Bosnia and Herzegovina


Bosnia's Federation Elects New President

Deputies in the Federation parliament on Monday confirmed the appointments of the new entity officials as the country took another step towards forming governments after last October's elections.

The formation of the government in the Federation entity will also enable the formation of the state government, the Council of Ministers.

Croatia Prepares to Inaugurate New President

Grabar Kitarovic will be sworn in as president on Sunday on the St Mark's Square in Zagreb, where the Croatian government, parliament and constitutional court are located.

The candidate of the opposition centre-right Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ, Grabar Kitarovic won the presidential elections in January, defeating the incumbent Ivo Josipovic.

Seselj: Establish Brammertz' disciplinary responsibility

THE HAGUE- Vojislav Seselj, leader of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) and indictee before the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY), called on the ICTY Appeal Chamber to reject the appeal filed by Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz in which he called for withdrawal of the decision on Seselj's temporary release.
