Bosnia and Herzegovina


Bosnia Fears Renewed Floods After Heavy Rains

More than 100 houses were inundated by water across central Bosnia on Sunday and Monday after several days of heavy rains and melting snow, sparking public concerns about a possible repeat of last year's flood disaster in the country.

Officials however urged calm, stressing that although most of Bosnia's rivers were on the rise, they were still far from critical levels.

Rifles Used in Charlie Hebdo Attacks 'Could Be from Bulgaria or Romania'

The assault rifles used by the Kouachi brothers, who killed 12 people in an attack on Chalie Hebdo's offices in Paris, could have come from Bulgaria and Romania, media reports suggest.

Cherif and Said Kouachi used the AKS-74 Kalashnikov, which have been produced only by these two countries since 1989.

Grabar Kitarovic wants Seselj sentenced as soon as possible

ZAGREB - Croatia's new president Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic has asked UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to take any action necessary, including calling a meeting of the UN Security Council, to make sure that head of the Serbian Radical Party Vojislav Seselj was taken back into the custody of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and sentenced as soon as possible.
