

Turks consume 3,762 calories per day: Research

With an average daily calorie intake of 3,762, Türkiye came in fifth place out of 184 countries on the ranking created by Oxford University.

Researchers from Oxford have recently ranked 184 countries in terms of their citizens' average daily calorie consumption, where Bahrain ranked first, followed by the U.S., Ireland, Belgium and Türkiye.

Number of illegal migrants more than doubles to 15,500 in Jan-Sept

Slovenian police intercepted a total of 15,590 illegal migrants in the January-September period, a rise of 115% from the same nine-month period last year. Police statistics show that Afghanistan citizens accounted for the largest single group of illegal migrants – 2,691 of the total.

Slovenia absolutely supports Croatia’s Schengen entry, minister says

Obrežje – Interior Minister Tatjana Bobnar stressed as she met her Croatian counterpart Davor Božinović in Obrežje, east, on Monday that Slovenia absolutely supports Croatia’s entry into the Schengen zone. Božinović said this is in both countries’s interest, which Bobnar confirmed.

’Hotel Rwanda’ hero files $400 million lawsuit against Kigali

The family of "Hotel Rwanda" hero Paul Rusesabagina announced on April 30 it has filed a $400 million lawsuit in the United States over his alleged abduction and torture.

Rusesabagina is currently serving a 25-year prison term on terrorism charges after a trial his supporters say was a sham and riddled with irregularities.
