

Outgoing Bulgarian Foreign Minister Slams New Sanctions against Russia

Bulgaria's outgoing Foreign Minister Kristian Vigenin has suggested that new sanctions against Russia will have a negative impact on the entire EU.

In a Wednesday interview for the Bulgarian National Television, he claimed that the restrictive measures which the 28 EU Member States were currently discussing would not affect Bulgaria.

EU, US Adopt Sanctions Targeting Key Russian Sectors

EU leaders have introduced a third stage of sanctions against Russia over the country's stance on the Ukraine crisis.

Under the new agreement, trade in Russian bonds and stocks issued by state-owned companies will be banned, and Russian military entities will be prevented from receiving arms and high-tech items.

US and Europe hit Russia with toughest sanctions yet

The United States and Europe targeted Russia's key financial, arms and energy sectors July 29 with tough new sanctions in response to Moscow's intervention in the Ukraine crisis.

Announcing the measures, U.S. President Barack Obama denied that the West had begun a new Cold War against its former Soviet foe, but urged his counterpart Vladimir Putin to reverse course.

Serbia "loyal to EU - but not at expense of economy"

Serbia "loyal to EU - but not at expense of economy"

NIŠ -- PM Aleksandar Vučić has said that Serbia's loyalty to the EU is not in question, but called on Brussels to respect the vital national interests of the country.

He urged the organization "not to expect Serbia to cause harm to its own economy for the sake of the EU path."
