Latest News from Serbia

EU, WB: Serbia has good innovations, needs to utilise them

BELGRADE - Serbia has great potential in the field of innovative technologies, and by aiding this sector it can achieve the fastest progress towards the EU, European Union and World Bank officials agreed in Belgrade on Friday at a ceremony staged to announce 12 projects to be funded with EUR 8.4 million as part of efforts to help innovation in Serbia.

Value of construction works down by 5.8 percent

BELGRADE - The value of construction works performed by Serbian contractors declined by 8.5 percent in the fourth quarter of last year against the same period in 2012, states a release issued by the Statistical Office.

Nikolic to deliver medals to mark Statehood Day

BELGRADE - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic will deliver medals to deserving individuals and institutions on Saturday, to mark the Statehood Day, including professor Itsuko Teruoka from Japan who will receive a gold medal for her exceptional engagement in humanitarian activities and Stella Jatras of the U.S.

World Bank to decide on loans to Serbia on February 25

BELGRADE - The World Bank (WB) is likely to grant two loans to Serbia on February 25, USD 200 million for strengthening the Deposit Insurance Agency and USD 40 million for the Serbian healthcare system, WB Country Manager for Serbia Tony Verheijen said on Friday.

Dacic opens 'Bequests and gifts' exhibition

BELGRADE - Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic opened an exhibition at the National Library of Serbia on Friday titled ‘Bequests and gifts: Legacies as cultural resources of great significance’, saying that in the coming decades we should work “not only to strengthen the state and find a new place on the world map, but also to enlighten (ourselves) as there can be no progress without this.”

Regional public media service needed

BRUSSELS/NOVI SAD - Vice speaker of the Vojvodina Assembly Ana Tomanova Makanova and Secretary General of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) Pascal Goergen agreed on Friday that a regional public media service is necessary for the process of democratisation, regional development and close ties between these two.

Fruvita and Frikom awarded at Moscow Fair

BELGRADE - Fruvita fruit processing company from Serbia won the gold and silver medal and plaques at the Prodexpo 2014 International Exhibition for Food, Beverages and Food Raw Materials in Moscow for its pear and sour cherry juices.

Frikom frozen foods producer also won the medals for design and practicality of its packaging.

Ministry of Culture calls for adherence to election rules

BELGRADE - The Ministry of Culture and Information called on all participants in the electoral process to contribute to a good atmosphere in the society during the campaign for early parliamentary elections that will be held in Serbia on March 16.

Art and the Idea of Statehood exhibition opens

BELGRADE - An exhibition titled Art and the Idea of Statehood opened at the National Museum in Belgrade on Thursday to mark the great Serbian national holiday Sretenje.

Kurz: Vienna supports Serbia's prompt EU accession

BELGRADE - Austria's Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said that his country will support Serbia in undertaking the necessary reforms, in order to speed up its EU accession.

Gov't adopts action plan for implementing EC recommendations

BELGRADE - The Serbian government adopted on Friday the Action Plan for implementing European Commission (EC) recommendations included in the annual report on the progress of the Republic of Serbia in the process of European integrations.

Gov't to aid Yumco, motorway blockade ends

BELGRADE - The government of Serbia and a delegation of employees from the Vranje-based Yumco company reached an agreement on Thursday on ending the blockade of the motorway to Macedonia.

Yumco employees have been on a general strike for one month, and on Wednesday morning they blocked the Belgrade-Skopje highway near Vranje.

Serbia to contribute to respect for human rights

VIENNA - Gordana Comic, member of the Serbian parliament’s permanent delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE PA), said Thursday that the Serbian delegation will contribute to respect for human rights ahead of Serbia’s OSCE presidency in 2015.

OSCE calls on Albanians in south Serbia to vote in elections

BELGRADE - Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Peter Burkhard urged on Thursday members of the Albanian community in southern Serbia to vote in early parliamentary elections that will be held on March 16.

Citizens trust KFOR most

BELGRADE - Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Rodic said on Thursday that Serbia's citizens place the greatest trust in KFOR when compared to other international actors present in Kosovo-Metohija, and that by maintaining its status-neutral position, NATO will back the implementation of the Brussels agreement.
