All News from Balkans

Poroshenko Calls for Early Elections, Decentralization in Ukraine

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has proposed that early parliamentary polls be held in the country and that steps be taken toward decentralization, official say.

The recently-elected head of state believes changes in power are still on the society's agenda, ITAR-TASS has reported citing the Ukrainian Presidency's press service.

Istanbul-based Islamic charity organization uses ISIL-adopted insignia on logo

An Islamic charity organization based in an Istanbul suburb is using an insignia adopted by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), daily HaberTürk has reported.

The report comes amid claims that some Turkish associations were recruiting militants for the jihadist group who have recently launched a wide-scale offensive in Iraq.

Everything ready for great Iron Maiden concert in Belgrade

BELGRADE - Everything is ready for the spectacle of the year at the Kalemegdan fortress in Belgrade, where 25,000 people are expected for the Iron Maiden concert that starts at 9 p.m. CET on Tuesday, the organisers have said.

Civil service union calls walkout at noon Wednesday

The union representing Greece's civil servants, ADEDY, has announced a nationwide walkout starting at noon on Wednesday and has called on public sector workers to gather outside the Health Ministry in central Athens before marching to the Ministry of Administrative Reform.

The march is expected to disrupt traffic in downtown Athens.

İhsanoğlu’s nomination a chance for developments in Middle East: MHP

The appointment of Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu’s as the opposition’s joint candidate for Turkey’s next president will be positive for the country given his vast knowledge and experience in the Middle East, the head of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has said.

EU membership, no suspension of ties with Russia

BELGRADE - Ivica Dacic, Serbian first deputy prime minister and foreign minister, stated on Tuesday that Serbia's EU membership will in no way weaken or suspend relations with Russia.

Bulgaria To Host Large-Scale International Air Drills

The European military transport aviation will hold international drills in the airspace of Bulgaria in the period 17 to 26 June, the press center of the Defense Ministry informed.

Croatian Soldier Acquitted of ‘Medak Pocket’ Killing

Former soldier Velibor Solaja was acquitted of killing of an elderly female civilian during the Croatian Army’s controversial ‘Medak Pocket’ operation against Serb forces in September 1993.

U.S. and EU "agree on next round of sanctions"

U.S. and EU "agree on next round of sanctions"

WASHINGTON -- The United States has announced that they agreed with their European allies to impose new sanctions against Russia.

This would happen in case "Moscow continues to destabilize eastern Ukraine."

Romanian doctors open Europe's first online hospital, the first doctor-patient live chat platform in Europe has been launched in Romania on Tuesday, on a business initiative of several Romanian doctors supported by British experts, involving an investment of 30,000 euros.

Accusations seen as "strike to heart of police"

Accusations seen as "strike to heart of police"

BELGRADE -- "A strike to the heart of the criminal police" is how Mile Novaković has described the accusations made during his trial by accused crime boss Darko Šarić.
