Ancient city to be promoted with festival

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A festival is set to be organized to promote the ancient city of Sebastapolis and to bring more tourists to the district. 

Excavations work started in 1995 in the ancient city, located in the Central Anatolian province of Tokat's Sulusaray district.

After a 22-year hiatus, the works began again three years ago. 

Since then, the works have been jointly carried out by Gaziosmanpa?a University and the Tokat Museum Directorate. 

Among the many artifacts that have been unearthed so far in the ancient city, the remains of church and bath, and even human skeletons, have been discovered. Excavations are ongoing in Sebastapolis two months out of a year. 

The ancient city was visited by Prince of Wales Charles Philip Arthur George in the 1990s and Tokat Governor Cevdet Can invited him again to the city via letter last year. Now the city is preparing for a festival they hope will draw in more tourists. 

Sulusaray Mayor Halil Demirkol said they would focus on promotion to make Sebastapolis a brand and bring it into the fold of Turkish tourism. 

He said the bath and the church were gradually being unearthed, adding, "We have been carrying out some work to bring more tourists to our district and to promote the ancient city. The Sebastapolis Festival, which is to be organized this year, is one of these works. It will start on the second day of the Ramadan holiday and continue every year." 

Demirkol said the festival would continue for three days. 

"On the first day of the festival, people will celebrate their holiday in an area next to the ancient city and then visit the ancient city," he said, adding that the festival will also host film screenings and games. He is endevaoring to promote the festival...

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