Idomeni residents sue Citizen Protection Minister Toskas

Six residents from the village of Idomeni, including community’s president Xanthoula Soupli, filed a legal suit against Alternate Citizen Protection Minister Nikos Toskas for failing to protect the village from problems that have arisen by the makeshift refugee camp.

They said that there is “complete absence of state control” and hold Toskas primarily responsible for that since he failed to take decisions so as to tackle the problems that have arisen. They also blame him for allowing the area to descend into a state “where everyone does whatever one wants, without being accountable to anyone.”

In their complaint, the residents said there were daily incidents of vandalism to houses in the village and public infrastructure, while the refugees and migrants are also facing dangers to their own health or even their life, since they don’t get any help from state services.

The suit includes a series of criminal offences that the residents consider have been committed, such as failure to avert public danger, dangerous public harm, disturbing the peace, violation of measures to protect public health.

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