20,000 Decares of Forests Destroyed in Last Twenty Days Alone

"In the last 20 days alone, losses in the forests amount to 20,000 decares or almost as many as for the entire 8 months since the beginning of the year," said the Director of General Directorate Fire Safety and Protection of Population Service, Nikolay Nikolov.

"The situation in Southeastern Bulgaria is extremely severe. Our analysis shows that the expenses incurred for putting out the fires, direct damages not included, amount to millions of leva," added Nikolov.

According to him, in 90% of the cases the cause of the fires is human activity in the clearing of pastures.

Up to now, there have been 398 fires, 2/3 of those have as their source neighbouring agricultural areas. The fires have affected an area of 50,000 decares, specified Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Georgi Kostov. The expenses incurred by the agriculture Ministry amount to about BGN 5 M, but direct damages amount to a much bigger sum.

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