Artists, NGOs sign petition opposing charter change

A group of artists and non-governmental organizations have signed a petition against the constitutional amendment package, which is being backed by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). 

Among the signatories are the Atatürkist Thought Association, Chamber of Architects and renowned artist Bedri Baykam. 

"The Republic of Turkey is facing a great threat that it has never experienced in almost a hundred years of its history. Vital values such as democracy, pluralist parliamentary system, universal human rights, contemporary rule of law and secularism; thus all of the republic's values are about to collapse. Our children's future, women's honor, respect for labor rights, freedom of thought, the right to form organizations, the youth's right to a happy life, the right to a peaceful, secure, fearless daily life - which is everyone's rights - is being used as a toy left to the pleasure of those keen on a dictatorship," the statement said.

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