36 PKK millitants killed, 21 hideouts destroyed in ops in Turkey's southeast

A total of 6 outlawed Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK ) millitants have been killed, 21 hideouts and shelters used by them have been destroyed in anti-terror operations in southeast Turkey, the military said on April 8.

According to the military statement, Turkish forces in Diyarbakır's Kulp, Lice and Hani districts, Şırnak's Beytüşşebap district, Batman's Gercüş district, Tunceli's Merkez district, Hakkari's Yüksekova District and Kars's Sarıkamış district conducted operations, killing a total of 36 millitants.

The military seized 26 infantry rifles, a machine gun, 47 hand grenades, three rocket launchers, and destroyed 10 mines and 11 improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

Additionally, 850 kilograms of ammonium nitrate, 20 kilograms of TNT, ammunition and cables, fuse and explosives used to make IEDs have been seized, the military added.

Meanwhile, Turkish security forces have also targeted tobacco and narcotics smuggling activities of the PKK, which provide a significant income for it. 

In this regard, four kilograms of heroine, 156 kilograms of powder hashish and 25,300 packages of smuggled cigarettes have been confiscated.

To ensure border security and as part of the efforts to enhance security, Turkish authorities have captured 4,913 individuals attempting to illegally cross the border.

The military noted that the operations aim to prevent further attacks by the millitants.

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