Greek-Chinese news cooperation

The head of Chinese state news agency Xinhua, Cai Mingzhao, conducted this week a particularly productive visit to Greece, which confirmed the excellent prospects for the expansion of cooperation between the two countries.

Escorted by the ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Greece, Zou Xiaoli, Cai on Thursday visited President of the Hellenic Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos. Discussions focused on economic and political issues, as well as on the deep historic friendship between the two nations.

As part of his visit to Greece, Cai also met with Kathimerini's Themistoklis Alafouzos and its Executive Editor Alexis Papachelas. He also spoke with a delegation of Kathimerini journalists, with whom he discussed cooperation prospects between the Greek newspaper and the Chinese news giant.

Xinhua is a leading international news agency, which employs over 12,000...

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