Bulgarian PM: 'The Fight Against Cybersecurity Requires More Attention From the EC'


''The European Commission should  focus more attention on the fight against cyberthreats and cybercrime'', Prime Minister Boyko Borisov noted during his meeting with the Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness Jyrki Katainen.

During the conversation, the topic of the forthcoming Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2018 was discussed. Borisov pointed out that one of the three key messages of our country will be the competitiveness of the European economy. Emphasis will be placed on supporting entrepreneurship, growth and jobs, deepening the Economic and Monetary Union, a sustainable environment and an effective Energy Alliance.

Bulgarian Prime minister and Jyrki Katainen have united around the importance of European funds and their efficientuse so as to maximize the impact for EU citizens.

Prime Minister Borisov stressed that thanks to European solidarity, a number of projects of great public benefit have been implemented in our country.

He gave an example with the subway in Sofia and other sites in the field of infrastructure and ecology.

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