July 15 and the Akıncı base (15): How did FETÖ massacre from the air?

On the night of the coup attempt of July 15, 2016, an order from the Akıncı Base was given to the quartet F-16 team that had recently taken off, according to radio records of the 141st fleet at 10:15 p.m.  

"If you detect a move, shoot," went the order.

F-16 pilot Staff Lieutenant Colonel Mustafa Azimetli, who was the leader of the quartet F-16 fleet and was codenamed "ASLAN 1," relayed that question to the base, according to the record from 10.11 p.m.

"If we detect a move, we will not pass over it. Is that right?" Azimetli asked.

The fleet responded to him affirmatively.
The other F-16 pilot, staff captain Hüseyin Türk, codenamed "ASLAN 3," and staff captain Uğur Uzunoğlu then told staff captain Ahmet Tosun, who was managing the operation from the desk of the 143rd fleet in the Akıncı base, according to the record from 11:55 p.m.

"A big shot will be conducted at the security gate of the A9 area," they said.          
Tosun responded by saying: "Agreed. Release fire."

The "A9 area" referred to in the radio records was the Police Special Operations Department headquarters in the Ankara town of Gölbaşı.

Some 44 Special operation members were killed and 36 were injured - while they were preparing to intervene against coup plotters who raided the building of state broadcaster TRT - as the result of the bomb dropped by Uzunoğlu after he said "a big shot will be conducted."

This was perhaps the biggest incident of all of the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) attacks during the July 15 coup attempt.

Uzunoğlu, who also went on to fire at the Turkish Parliament in the early hours of July 16, described what happened, as included in the prosecutor's indictment.

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