Angela Merkel Won but Lost 1 Million Voters

Source: Twitter

The official preliminary results of the German election show a 33% victory for the CDU / HSU, the Social Democratic Party goes very far behind with 20.5%, while the far-right Alternative to Germany ranks third with 12.6% in the Bundestag. Reports Sega. 

The Free Democratic Party of the German Liberals is the fourth with 10.7%, the Lefti's influential former GDR is fifth with 9.2% and the Greens take 8.9%. Federal Electoral Commission Chairman Dieter Zarater said.

Parliament will have 709 MPs - highest number ever. Of these, 246 will be CDU / HSU, the GSDP will receive 153 mandates (40 less than in 2013), an alternative to Germany will occupy 94 seats, SvDP - 80 seats, Leftists - 69, Greens - 67. activity was 76.2% - 4.7% more than the previous parliamentary elections.

Disappointed by their performance, the GSDP announced its intention to go into opposition, putting an end to the Great Coalition. However, Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would turn for consultations in drafting the government with the Social Democrats. Only one option for a ruling coalition is arithmetically possible. It is a Jamaica type - the HDZ / HSU, the SDS and the Greens. According to comments in Germany, such a government would be unstable due to disagreements on key issues between the parties in it.

Alternative to Germany defined the outcome of the election as a "political earthquake". One of its leaders, Alexander Gauland, said he "started hunting" Angela Merkel's party. She promised to analyze carefully why some of her voters have gone to the far right. According to sociologist estimates, Conservatives have lost about a million supporters.

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