Ferrari Threatened to Leave Formula One

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Ferrari threatened to leave Formula One due to new rules in the sport proposed by Liberty Media. The statement was personally made by the president of the legendary team, Sergio Marchionne. Statements against the innovations were also announced by Mercedes and Renault, reports bTV. 

"Formula 1 is part of our DNA from the day of our birth, but if we change too much sandbox and it becomes unrecognizable, we will not want to play any more," Marchionne commented.

The sharp reaction comes after the plans for engine changes on Tuesday. The idea of ​​the FIA ​​and Formula One owners is to bring them into force in 2021. Suggestions are that the engines will remain 1.6-liter V6 hybrid, but their revs will be 3000 times higher and one MGU-H hybrid system will be removed . Battery and electronics will be standardized.

"Liberty has good intentions, one of which is to reduce the cost of teams that I think is good. There are a few things we do not agree with, one of which is that the drive systems will not be unique and will not distinguish each other, and I will not support this, "Marchionne said.

"We do not want to take part in a championship that has become the global Nascar," he added.

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