The Collapse of Angela Merkel's Coalition Shows Her Dream of a United Europe is Falling Apart

The rise of Euroscepticism is an inevitable consequence of the EU's failure to secure consent for its designs, The Telegraph reports.
A new sensation is coursing through the German body politic: panic. It has been brewing since September's dramatic election result, which saw Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party much diminished, and the Right-wing Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) capture 94 parliamentary seats.

Naturally, Chancellor Merkel did what she always does when things get tough - reassure her people "das schaffen wir" - we can do this.

Not this time. Her attempts to form a coalition have unexpectedly collapsed and Germany is in turmoil. I have no doubt the Federal Republic will find a short-term solution. It has a functioning government and while this is inconvenient for Brexit talks, it's all manageable. But it does raise wider issues about consensus, democratic legitimacy and the future of the EU, reported the Telegraph.

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