Bulgarian Interior Minister is on an Official Visit to the United States

,,A strategic partnership is established between the law enforcement authorities of Bulgaria and the FBI and we are ready to develop and deepen it.''

Around this opinion, Interior Minister Mladen Marinov and FBI Director Christopher Ray have united, the press center of the Interior Ministry said.

Mladen Marinov met with representatives of the Bulgarian community in Washington as well. 

The official program of Marinov's visit to the US began with a meeting in the FBI. He and Christopher Ray discussed continued operational interaction on specific cases, as well as joint work on countering cybercrime. They rated the remarkable results.

"We have established a regular exchange of information, including in the fight against international terrorism, and continue our joint work," the FBI director said.

In this context, Marinov expressed hope for continuing the training and technical assistance to strengthen the General Directorate "Fighting Organized Crime'' capacities to fight cybercrime. He invited Christopher Ray to take part in the opening of the FBI alumni conference in Sofia in September.

Bulgaria will then host the annual meeting of the FBINAA European Section of the FBI Academy of Scientists.

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