Lack of Bulgarian and Romanian Migrants Could Lead to Shortage of British Asparagus

For nearly 100 years, Chris Chin's family has cultivated asparagus in the West of England. This year, he fears that uncertainty about the UK's exit from the EU will scare Eastern European workers away, causing asparagus to remain unharvested, reports Reuters citing the Bulgarian newspaper Dnevnik.

Asparagus cultivated in the UK is considered one of the best in the world, but the lack of seasonal workers is a threat to the sector. This situation applies also to many other UK farmers in the fruit and vegetable sector who rely almost entirely on seasonal migrant workers from Romania and Bulgaria for jobs that the British do not want.

At Chin's farm, whose profit amounts to more than 10 million pounds a year, workers pick the best asparagus. Sometimes, they collect it twice a day before the product is shipped to customers like Marks & Spencer and Tesco, Britain's largest supermarket.

"There won't be British asparagus on your supermarket shelves without seasonal migrant workers," Chin told Reuters. "We have indeed come to a point where we must choose between importing workers or asparagus," he added.

This year, Chin's team had to make bigger efforts to find Bulgarians and Romanians. They are confused by the long-running Brexit process and are worried about how they will be accepted by the British who voted in 2016 for leaving the EU.

Although the Chin family company, Cobrey Farms, has 1,200 workers registered who are due to arrive at the end of the month, Chin fears that many of them will not come and we won't be able to harvest the entire production.

Chin's fears increased after 20 of the approximately 100 workers who should have turned up in January did not arrive. Of the 247 workers who were...

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