Minimum labour cost to total RSD 121 per hour in 2015

BELGRADE - The Serbian government adopted a decision to set the minimum labour cost at RSD 121 per work hour in Serbia in 2015, free of taxes and contributions for mandatory social insurance.

According to a release issued by the Serbian government Office for cooperation with the media, the decision will be implemented as of January 1, 2015. The minimum labour price in Serbia has not increased since 2012.

The 5.2 percent increase will contribute to an increase of the average minimum wage, which should total RSD 28,430.50 per month, the Serbian government decided at its Monday session as reported in the release.

During the session of the Social Economic Council two weeks ago, trade unions and employers did not manage to align the stands since employers were against an increase of minimum labour price per hour because they maintain the conditions for this have not been met. On the other hand, trade unions are demanding that the labour price per hour should total RSD 127.90.

Since the agreement has not been reached, the Serbian government adopted the decision on the matter instead.

The labour price was last changed in April 2012, when the labour price per working hour was increased from RSD 102 to RSD 115.

Photo Tanjug, M. Jelesijevic

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