Exorcising the ghosts

Developments last week held in store an uncomfortably realistic understanding of the risks engulfing the country. The massive sell-off in Greece’s stock and bond markets was a strong shock. Interestingly, the leftist opposition appears unaffected by the warnings.

Here however is an opportunity for the government to turn this crisis into opportunity. Without panic, but with a clear-cut plan, officials should step forward to explain to the electorate why we need a safety net in this dangerous global environment. Also, they ought to make the public understand the need to pass a few more structural reforms that will allow Athens to wrap up its negotiations with the troika.

That said, the government is going to need people who can communicate this clear message and fight a battle in the coming four months. Above all, it will need clear minds, a good plan and an effective communication strategy. Government officials must rid themselves of ghosts from the past and escape the myopic mentality of an insecure microcosm.

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