Sakıp Sabancı Mardin City Museum presents Russian avant-garde

The Sakıp Sabancı Mardin City Museum - Dilek Sabancı Gallery in the southeastern province of Mardin, restored by the Sabancı Foundation upon the late businessman Sakıp Sabancı's will and transformed into a museum and art gallery, is hosting the exhibition "The Russian Avant-garde. Dreaming the Future Through Art and Design."

Organized with works from the Costakis Collection of Thessaloniki State Museum of Contemporary Art, the exhibition sheds light on the important place Russian avant-garde occupied in the history of art.

The Russian Avant-garde, which was one of the most exciting movements in the history of art at the beginning of the 20th century, is represented by its rich productions in the branches of painting, design, literature, film and theater. In addition to the political, social and technological developments of the period, the exhibition reflects the avant-garde artists' belief in progress.

One of the world's most important Russian avant-garde collections, the George Costakis Collection, is divided into two, being kept in the Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery and Thessaloniki State Museum of Contemporary Art. The exhibition is organized in collaboration with the Thessaloniki State Museum of Contemporary Art.

The George Costakis Collection of Russian avant-garde contains works by important artists which are part of the exhibition, including Kazimir Malevich, the creator of art history's iconic Black Square; Vladimir Tatlin, the pioneer of a new period of artistic theory in which he obscured the boundaries between art and production; and Alexander Rodchenko, the courageous pioneer of photography, painting, sculpture and graphic art.

Works by many female artists of the period such as Olga Rozanova, whose work was based on...

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