Turkish popstar survives breast cancer

Turkish popstar Hande Yener has announced that she was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, but she recovered and survived the disease as a result of a surgical operation and a period of treatment.

Noting that she felt a mass in her breast one day while sitting at home, Yener said that she went to a hospital to get it checked and later learned that she had cancer.

"While checking myself, I got suspicious and went to a hospital. I heard my doctor say 'disaster,' and I was devastated," she noted.

"I thought I was going to die. In this process, I learned that early diagnosis saves lives. Every six months, I celebrate my being alive. Every time a clean report comes out, we celebrate with screams at home," Yener added.

Stating that she went on stage during her cancer treatment after a surgical operation that lasted for seven hours, the singer said that she went on stage with a padded jacket so that the medical tubes on her body would not be seen and no one suspects about it.

Stressing that she wanted the cancer process to be hope for women, the popstar underlined that every woman should control herself.

"I have to tell all this to all women. I want everyone to hear what I told," she noted.

Expressing that she talked about cancer for the first and last time, Hande Yener stated that she did not want to be associated with cancer anymore after this process.

hander yener,

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