DefMin Dusa stresses importance of United States' European Reassurance Initiative

Photo credit: (c) Liviu SOVA / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

Minister of National Defence Mircea Dusa on Sunday stressed the importance of the United States' European Reassurance Initiative, which aims at increasing the U.S. military presence in Europe, during a meeting with a delegation of the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Congressman Mike Rogers, member of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee and chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee.

"The substantial support for the implementation of allied assurance measures, increasing the number of bilateral military exercises, the visit of U.S. senior officials to Romania have proved the robustness of the Romania — United States relation," said Mircea Dusa, stressing that the Strategic Partnership between the two countries has led to the promotion and defense of common security interests.


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