Croatia Drops Warrant for Branimir Glavas Arrest

Zagreb county court made the ruling on Tuesday, clearing the way for Glavas to return from Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he was released from jail last week.

Glavas's Facebook page posted the decision to revoke the arrest warrant on Tuesday with a picture showing a man breaking free of chains and the word "Freedom".

"General Branimir Glavas is returning soon to his Osijek, Slavonia and Baranja. He is returning to his Homeland," said a celebratory update below the picture.

Glavas, a former high-ranking member of the Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ party who served as a member of parliament and as the Osijek-Baranja County mayor, was originally convicted in Croatia of war crimes against Serb civilians in the city of Osijek in 1991-92.

But he fled before the verdict to Bosnia, where he was subsequently jailed after a request was sent by Croatia to enforce his sentence.

After Croatia's constitutional court this month overturned the final judgment in his case, an arrest warrant was issued because of the previous first-instance judgment.

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