Nearly 50% of young Bulgarians are Familiar with the Metaverse

Over 65% of Generation Z and Millennials in Bulgaria expect the Metaverse to offer them experiences they would not have in the real world. "After two years of living in virtual meetings, imposing the Metaverse as a natural evolution of social media seems a matter of time," said Alexander Durchev, CEO of All Channels Group, adding that nearly 40% of respondents expect it to enter our lives in the next 3 years.

Other topics were part of the online conference "Visible, Invisible, Change", part of the study of All Channels Group and BluePo! Nt Ltd: Sustainable Awakening (Net Zero, ESG and Bulgarians); Nothing personal, just data? (Loyal Consumers vs. Consumer Loyal Brands); Welcome to the jungle (Let's break some fundamental myths about digital communications in Bulgaria).

Highlights from the topics:

Steady awakening

70% of all generations believe that they are well informed on the topic of environmental protection or are familiar with the more important elements of it, all generations do only 4 activities in this direction. At the same time, 47% of consumers say that the products and services they choose to protect the environment are important to them, but only 21% do so on a regular basis. On average, 70% of Bulgarians are positive about companies that produce products or organize campaigns aimed at reducing environmental damage, but believe that business still has much to do in this direction.

Nothing personal, just data?

60.7% of consumers say they are worried about the data they provide. 11.5% of Bulgarians say they would not provide personal data. In general, Bulgarians do not understand the benefits...

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