President Erdo?an slams miniskirt-wearing parallel opposition

As the general elections to be held on June 7 loom, President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an seems to have no intention of  loosening his grip on the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) - or on daily politics.

Every day, the President Erdo?an finds an occasion to make a speech, which is broadcast live by all news channels. In these speeches he openly campaigns for his former party, in violation of the oath he took when taking over the president?s post.

He continues to campaign in the way he knows best, and which has worked for him and his party in the past: Marginalize the opposition, polarize the nation, make references to Islam and the conservative lifestyle, consolidate your voter base.

Yesterday?s occasion for Erdo?an to send his messages was a ceremony to mark the opening of new dormitories built by the Service for Youth and Education Foundation of Turkey (TÜRGEV). The seven-member board of TÜRGEV includes Erdo?an?s son Bilal Erdo?an and his daughter Esra Albayrak.

The donations and allocations of public land and buildings to the foundation formed a major part of the corruption probe launched on Dec. 17, 2013, and Erdo?an?s attendance at the ceremony was clearly in defiance of that probe, which was dropped after a few months, once all the police officers and prosecutors who conducted the probe were either suspended, fired or assigned to another post by the government.

?TÜRGEV, which they attacked to destroy yesterday, is still here, thank God,? Erdo?an told the audience, arguing that the ?parallel state,? a term that Erdo?an and the AKP?s members and supporters love to use for the movement of U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, was in collaboration with all the opposition parties in parliament.

The way...

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