It's confirmed: Derecognition of Kosovo is definite

President Vui expressed satisfaction with the visit of Minister Dussey, as an exceptional opportunity to consider possibilities for intensifying cooperation between the two countries, which is bound by traditional and sincere friendship.
"Our country is committed to fostering the best relations with African countries, based on mutual respect and understanding," President Vui pointed out and asked Minister Dussey to extend an invitation to the President of the Republic of Togo to visit our country.
President Vui pointed out that we greatly appreciate the support of the Republic of Togo in preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the norms of international law.
Minister Dussey said that Togo has a firm position on the issue of not recognizing the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Togo, Robert Dussey, stated that Serbia has the unreserved support of the Republic of Togo.
"We in Togo recognize only one Serbia, a unique one. I am glad that you mentioned the withdrawal of recognition of Kosovo, that withdrawal is definite," said Dussey.
He also said that 54 African countries make up one third of the United Nations, noting that Serbian diplomacy left Africa at one point.
"I am asking you, and you are doing it well, not to leave Africa. I thank you for that," Dussey said.
The Agreement on the abolition of visas for holders of diplomatic passports was also signed today.
"We want stronger cooperation in several sectors, from education to the economy, to have a greater trade exchange. We would also like to strengthen cooperation in the field of tourism and agriculture," Minister Dussey concluded.


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