Athens Jewish Community marks National Holocaust Remembrance Day

[InTime News]

The Athens Jewish Community, and the Regional Government of Attica, organized an event on Thursday to mark the National Remembrance Day of the Greek Jewish Martyrs and Heroes of the Holocaust. Speakers at the event included Education Minister Niki Kerameus, President of the Athens Jewish Community Albertos Tarampoulous, and the Ambassador of Israel in Greece Noam Katz.

"Our guiding principle in dealing with the Holocaust must be remembrance. In the Jewish tradition there is a Mitzvah, a command called Zahor. Zahor is the command to remember. It is much more beyond not forgetting. It is an active remembrance that people must work on every day and is more important than ever," said Ambassador Katz.

Education Minister Kerameus outlined how her ministry has taken action to though programs and initiatives to commemorate the holocaust and eliminate incidents of antisemitism...

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