Bulgarian Scientists with a New Method for the Purity of Beer

An innovative method for the study and control of microorganisms in beer has been developed by Bulgarian scientists from the Center for Food Biology (CBH) with the assistance of the Union of Brewers (SPB). The molecular biological method for the microbiological purity of beer has no analogue in Europe and is based on the popular real-time polymerase chain reaction - qPCR. The original procedure developed for the quantitative measurement of bacterial DNA in beer is more accurate, faster and more precise than the classical methods for testing the microorganisms in beer.

"The new method is the result of a series of studies that lasted two years in collaboration between the Center for Food Biology and the Brewers' Union. Our joint work helps to modernize the analytical capacity of the brewing industry with the development of molecular biological methods for the diagnosis of microorganisms in beer", recalls Ivana Radomirova, executive director of SPB. Previous DNA studies of the metagenome of Bulgarian beer by CBH identified 140 species of micro-organisms in beer, including lactic acid bacteria. They are usually sensitive to the antibacterial properties and effects of hops, and do not normally multiply at low temperatures.

Dr. Sergey Ivanov, head of the CBH and leader of the team that developed the new method, commented that it is becoming more and more fashionable, especially in craft beers, for beers with a more pronounced sour aroma-taste profile to appear. For this purpose, lactic acid bacteria are used, which form such a taste. Recently, more and more probiotic beers are being developed with the controlled addition of lactic acid starter to the beer, which are beneficial for the microflora of the stomach.

But even if this is the goal,...

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