AI Models-R-Us Has Big Implications for Democracy

The power of LLMs is often compared to the human intellect, yet such a comparison cannot fully represent the true ability of these models. While AI does not possess sentiment or consciousness the way humans do, these models undertake cognitive tasks with a level of ability and proficiency that parallels human intelligence.

Digital Society Lab sought to delve deeper into the capabilities of large language models, specifically OpenAI's ChatGPT-3. As the frontier of AI increasingly encroaches upon the faculties once considered exclusive to humans, there is a demand for a systematic understanding of these technological wonders.

Our study benchmarked ChatGPT-3 against objective and self-assessment cognitive and emotional intelligence measures. The results were surprising: ChatGPT-3 outperformed average humans in cognitive intelligence tests, demonstrating a solid grasp of using and presenting acquired knowledge. It matched humans in logical reasoning and emotional intelligence facets, painting a remarkable picture of AI capability.

Furthermore, ChatGPT-3's self-perception in terms of cognitive and emotional intelligence turned out to be different from human normative responses. As humans overestimate themselves, ChatGPT-3 underestimates itself. This could be understood as a sign of self-awareness and subjectivity, hinting at a consciousness level.

In another of our inquiries, ChatGPT-3 consistently demonstrated a socially desirable personality profile, particularly leaning towards pro-social tendencies. However, the true nature of its responses remains uncertain, stemming from a conscious self-reflection process or driven by predetermined algorithms.

The breakthrough performance came about with the introduction of ChatGPT-4, launched...

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