Indirectly Arming Ukraine: How in 2022 Bulgaria agreed to Export Weapons for over 8.5 Billion

The war in Ukraine has left a serious mark on the Bulgarian military industry. In 2022, export contracts for over 8.5 billion leva were concluded, with the realized production amounting to nearly 3.5 billion leva. Exports were directed to countries from the European Union, given that traditionally before that, Bulgarian exports were to countries such as India, Algeria, Morocco, etc.

The data comes from the annual report of the Interdepartmental Commission for Export Control and Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, which is under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy. The report, with a little delay, has already been submitted to the National Assembly.

Thus, in 2022, 1,214 arms trade permits were issued.

810 are the permits for export from Bulgaria, and their total value is over 4.3 billion euros (8.6 billion leva). The realized production is for nearly 1.7 billion euros (3.4 billion leva).

Bulgaria has made the largest exports to Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Iraq, the USA, Uganda, Congo, India, Saudi Arabia.

However, from the breakdown by continent and country, it is clear that the countries of the European Union have the largest share of issued export permits - over 3 billion euros, 1.8 billion of which for Poland, over 700 million for Romania and over half a billion for Czech Republic.

The exports include projectiles, bombs and other explosive devices, as well as elements for them, ammunition, 20 mm weapons, land vehicles and their elements, armored or protective technical means and their components, technologies, etc.

The export figures for the year in which Putin invaded Ukraine (in February) are telling enough if only compared to the 2021 report of the interagency commission.


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