Reasons for bombing Serbia 25 years ago? "Unacceptable"

The Serbian police attacked members of the so-called KLA and their stronghold of terrorists in the village.

A series of attacks and murders of police officers took place.

After the conflict, OSCE representative William Walker accused Serbia of what he claimed was a massacre of innocent civilians.
This was allegedly the reason for NATO's aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
The aggression that followed at the end of March 1999 was fully prepared in the last months of 1998, only waiting for the order to attack.
At a closed meeting on July 2, 1998, the NATO Council decided on the accelerated preparations for the attack on Serbia (FRY) and the deployment of troops in the border areas.
The 161st brigade of the so-called KLA operated around timlje. In that area, from July 1998 to January 1999, 24 people were killed, members of the Serbian Police, the Yugoslav Army, or civilians, and 25 people were also wounded. From October 1998 to mid-January 1999, terrorists of the so-called KLA killed Sinia Mihajlovi, Nazmi Alurij, Saa Jankovi, Ranko orevi, Svetislav Pei, as well as civilians Enver Gashi and Miftar Reseni around timlje.
The police action in Raak on January 15, 1999, was directly caused by the murder of three policemen on January 8 and policeman Svetislav Pri on January 10. The police action took place, after a delay, in the early morning of January 15.

Drecun: Its beyond comprehension

Milovan Drecun was a guest on the morning program of RTS and said that he returned from Kosovo and Metohija the previous day.
"I was the first to publish what happened in Raak, the entire action in the book The Second Battle of Kosovo. This was quoted by the late Slobodan Miloevi at the Hague Tribunal...

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